The American Society for Investigative Pathology (ASIP) welcomes abstract submissions to Pathobiology 2025 which covers research in all areas of experimental pathobiology.
Abstracts are now being accepted from ASIP member and non-member attendees using the ASIP membership database system.
Join the community that brings together scientists of all career levels to share cutting-edge research, networking, and career advancement. It all starts with submitting an abstract of your latest research.
Early-Decision Abstracts
Fast-track your abstract — International researchers are encouraged to participate so that they can get an early start on the visa process. Submit your abstract by Monday, September 30 and you will be notified within 48 hours of submission. Early-decision notifications will confirm acceptance/rejection of the abstract but will not include presentation format. Decisions on oral or poster presentation will be sent in mid-January 2025.
A $30 fee for each abstract submitted is the required payment for ASIP members and non-members will pay a fee of $50 for each abstract submitted. The abstract submission fee is non-refundable.
If you are unable to submit your abstract by the Early-Decision deadline, you may submit it by 11:59 PM (ET) Friday, February 28. The ASIP Program Committee will make all final decisions regarding oral and poster presentations.
Submit Your Abstract

Help Us Program Your Abstract Correctly
The topic(s) you select from the Abstract Topic Categories schedules your abstract. It is crucial to review the topic categories before submitting an abstract. You will have the opportunity to select up to three Topic Categories which bests fits the nature of your research.
- All abstracts submitted to Pathobiology 2025 for presentation at the meeting will undergo a peer review process prior to acceptance. Abstracts are reviewed by members of the ASIP Program Committee and they will make the final presentation decisions.
- All accepted abstracts will be programmed as short, 15-minute oral presentations, or poster presentations. In certain circumstances, abstracts selected for oral presentation may also be presented as posters.
- All accepted abstracts will be published online in The American Journal of Pathology (The AJP).
- The non-refundable abstract processing fee does not include the cost of your meeting registration. You must register to attend the meeting or your abstract will not be reviewed.
- The text of your abstract cannot be edited once you exit the system, so please be sure to proof your submission carefully. Incomplete submissions will not be programmed.
- Direct technical questions regarding electronic submissions, submission policies, topic categories, etc. to Lisa McFadden (
Steps for Submitting Your Abstract
- To begin the process, if you are an ASIP member, you must log into the ASIP membership database with your member access credentials. If you are a non-ASIP member, an account must be created. The link can be found HERE.
- Enter the account holder information. Complete all required fields. NOTE: The account holder does not need to be first/presenting author, although it is recommended. The account holder will receive the notifications regarding the status of the abstract. You will be required to pay the abstract submission fee at the time of submission. This fee is required for each abstract submission.
- You may be first author of multiple volunteered scientific papers provided that each submission represents distinct research. Sponsoring or co-authoring of additional abstracts is permitted.
- The first author of the abstract is expected to present the paper, unless prior approval is received from the Program Committee. The first author must find a replacement speaker if multiple abstracts are programmed at the same time.
- Upload your abstract as a Word document. It is mandatory that the Word document lists the first and last names of all authors, complete institutional affiliations (including city and state) and author position on the abstract.
Each abstract should be constructed using the following subsections with subheadings:
- Introduction/Background: a brief discussion of the background or rationale of the study and/or the question addressed
- Materials and Methods: the experimental approach, materials, and methods used in the study
- Results: the data and results obtained in the study
- Conclusions: the conclusions and/or implications of the results
- Acknowledgements: for grant funding or other special contributions to the research
Please note that figures and tables are not permitted in the body of the abstract. Likewise, literature references should be restricted to a minimum and should be cited in the body of the abstract.

Abstract Title and Body:
- Enter the title of your abstract in title case (i.e., capitalize the first letter of each word, except prepositions). Do not place a period following the abstract title.
- Title case trade names.
- Use standard abbreviations for units of measure.
- Spell out other abbreviations at first mention, followed by the abbreviation in parentheses for subsequent uses. Exceptions: DNA, RNA, etc.
- Include the source of research support in the separate textbox on the submission form.
- Cut and paste the body of your abstract from a Word or plain text document into the Abstract Body area of the form. The abstract title (including spaces) has a 200 character limit. The abstract text (including spaces) has a 3,000 character limit.
- Do not enter the title or authors again in the abstract body. The title, author and co-authors will automatically be included in the final abstract.
- You will be required to upload a copy of your completed abstract as a Word document. No figures or tables are allowed. The Word version of your abstract should contain all elements: title, authors, author affiliations, and the body of the abstract. It is the responsibility of the author to ensure that all authors and author affiliations are correct.
- Trainees that are first author of one or more abstracts are eligible to apply for ASIP Scholar awards to partially cover travel costs associated with attending Pathobiology 2025. Award information can be found HERE
- You will be required to acknowledge and accept the Pathobiology 2025 Scientific Integrity Policy. Please read the agreement prior to submitting an abstract.
- You will be required to acknowledge and accept the Pathobiology 2025 Code of Conduct. Please read and acknowledge prior to submitting your abstract.
- You are responsible for proofreading the abstract before final submission. The final version will appear online in The American Journal of Pathology (The AJP).