Poster Information

Poster Information




Poster boards will be 8ft wide by 4ft high, with one poster assigned per side.  Please make sure your poster fits within the poster board area. Push pins will be provided on-site.  


Posters should include the following elements :

  • Introduction/Background: a brief discussion of the background or rationale of the study and/or the question addressed
  • Materials and Methods: the experimental approach, materials, and methods used in the study
  • Results: the data and results obtained in the study
  • Conclusions: the conclusions and/or implications of the results
  • References and Acknowledgements 




Posters must be attended by the Presenting Author during their assigned time period(s). Authors will be notified of their assigned time(s) in the abstract acceptance notification letter, which will be emailed to the Corresponding Author no later than mid-February 2025.


Poster Set-Up: TBD

Poster Removal: TBD





FedEx Office Print & Ship Center

The FedEx Office in Downtown Portland offers poster printing services for presenting authors, please contact them directly for pricing information. The office is located a few blocks away (8-minute walk) from the Portland Hilton Downtown.  Hours of operation are noted below.

221 SW Alder Street
Portland, OR 97204
Telephone: (503) 224-6550

All orders can be submitted via website at print online or via email
Hours of Operation:
Monday 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Tuesday 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Wednesday 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Thursday 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Friday 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Saturday 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Disclaimer: ASIP is not responsible for the poster printing services provided by the FedEx Office.